Implementing Social Login

How it Works

Once installed, visitors to your site will be presented with a single unified login interface that will allow them to join or log in to your network with ease using their preferred social provider or your own existing SSO system as master.   Once the user connects through a social provider, they will be assigned a ONEsite user ID which can then be added to your own database for tracking.

What You’ll Need

  • ONEsite Dev Key
  • API and Secret Keys for each 3rd party login provider you wish to enable
  • Social Login widget code or plugin

Social Providers

ONEsite offers walkthroughs to help you gather the necessary details to authorize your 3rd party social providers.  Please be aware that a provider might change their workflows at any time.  We endeavor to keep this resource as up to date as possible but you should review the pertinent guides provided by each provider in their own documentation when in question.