
A group is very similar to a user profile in the ONEsite system in that it shares nearly all functionality with a user profile. However a group is owned by one user, and other users are allowed to also join and then share content with each other in a central location. Groups can be private and only available to members an owner invites or they can be open to all members.

  • Customizable Look & Feel
  • Tiered Templates & CSS
  • Optional Drag & Drop Customization
  • Privacy & Permission Settings
  • Unique URLs and SEO Features
  • Media Galleries, Forums, Calendar, and Blogs
  • Unique Moderators

Structure of a Group

A group shares many similarities with a user on the ONEsite platform. The main difference, however, is that a group represents more than a single user. While it can have only a single owner, it can have an unlimited number of moderators and members.

  • Creator/Owner – This is the individual who has control and responsibility of the group.
  • Moderators – Group moderators are selected by the group owner. They must first be a member of the group and can then be promoted to moderator from the Manage Group Members page found in the group navigation menu.
  • Members – Members are logged in community members who have chosen or been invited to participate in the group.
  • Guests – Guests are visitors to a group. By default, a logged in community member who is not part of a group may only leave comments or respond to forum posts in a group.

All the functionality of a profile for a user is available to a group. However, groups can also have their own forums. Functionality of a group includes:

  • Members
  • Blogs
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Calendar
  • Forums
  • Wiki (optional)

While the group system has a standard expected definition and features, it is also one of our most versatile parts of our platform.

  • Normal user created groups
  • Official groups
  • Sponsored groups
  • Contests