Statistics have been an important part of the ONEsite platform from the very beginning. We offered robust statistics on blog traffic when we first launched the ONEsite blogging capabilities many years ago. As our traffic and number of incredible customers has grown over the years we have continued to gather large amounts of data about the sites running on the ONEsite and present this information to our customers in the Control Panel for their network.
At ONEsite we use PHP extensively and developed a PHP Event System as part of our core architecture several years ago. This event system is a key element in everything from our user content generation flows to our moderation capabilities and also allows for a lot of our unparalleled customization and integration capabilities.

Essentially, all user interactions on the platform trigger events in our backend code which may in turn trigger other events. Thus, if a user writes a blog post in our system it may trigger an event such as POST-PUBLISHED. The platform has the capability of attaching multiple event listeners to an event which may in turn run core features within the platform or custom features enabled for single networks. Thus, everything from blog post premoderation to blog post pinging to custom data warehousing about blogs may be achieved by attaching event listeners to the POST-PUBLISHED event.
The ONEsite platform utilizes hundreds of distinct events to power all of our bountiful features. Networks on the ONEsite platform generate hundreds of millions events on any given day. Knowledge about these events is very useful for analytics purposes and thus we decided to tightly integrate our events system with our analytics capabilities. In order to do so we began to log events which occur on the platform and all relevant event metadata about that specific event or metadata shared by all events.
Understanding both who the end users of the ONEsite platform are and how they use the tools we provide is key to the success of our company and the sites we run for our clients. We believe our Event system and our Analytics Dashboard provide ONEsite customers with valuable and necessary information to achieve their community goals and as such ongoing development into Analytics is a key item on our roadmap.