
The SvcUsers object
Method Description
getUserDetails This method will return some basic information about a user
getUserGroups Fetches all the groups to which a user belongs.
incrementViews Increments the view count for a site.
messageUser Used to send a message to one or more users. Mulitiple users can be messaged by submitting a comma delimited list of user ids.
premoderateUser Adds a user to the premoderation queue.
updUserStatus Updates the status of a user. Status should be one of the following: warn, suspend, delete, active, or pending.
viewAllUsers Return a listing of all of the users associated with a network.
viewUserDetail View the profile details for a specific user record.
viewUserExtendedProfile Action to view the extended profile(s) of a user.
viewUsersByStatus Return a listing of users for a specific status; I.E.:active, suspended, etc...