
Retrieves comments from a discussion.


Name Description
nodeID required Node of content we are working with.
discussionID optional Id of discussion (topic_id) to work with.
ecPartnerID optional ID of partner for ext_content.
ecXrefID optional ID of content for ext_content.
ecType optional Type of content for ext_content.
userID optional User we are working with.
page optional Page #.
num optional Number of items to show.
sortKey optional Key to sort results on.
sortOrder optional Direction to sort results (ASC or DESC).
greaterThanPost optional ID of comment used to determine the minimum comment ID to return.
status optional Status of comment/discussion.
threaded optional Whether or not to return comments for a threaded view.
viewOptions optional List of items to output (comma-separated).
output optional The response output format. Accepts JSON and XML.
xrefID optional The cross reference id that the discussion is attached to. (ie: video_id, photo_id, statusId, etc.) Do not use along with ecXrefID / ecXrefType / ecPartnerID.
type optional The cross reference content type that the discussion is attached to. (ie: blog_post, photo, video, photo_gallery, user_profile, group, forum_post, forum_thread, forum, message, site, audio, audio_gallery, podcast, petition, document, article, article_version, calendar_event, calendar, wiki_page, ugc_status, ext_content, discussion_post) Do not use along with ecXrefID / ecXrefType / ecPartnerID.

Request Syntax[devkey]

JSON Response