
Edits the information for particular forum.


Name Description
category_id optional Category ID the forum belongs to.
new_category_id optional New Category ID the forum should belong to.
forum_id required Forum ID.
parent_id optional Forum ID of a subforum’s parent forum.
forum_name optional Name of the forum.
forum_description optional Description of the forum.
lock optional Whether or not to immediately lock the forum.
expires optional Future date the forum should become locked.
tricklage optional Whether changed settings, like lock status, should apply to the forum’s sub-forums.
photo_id optional Photo ID for the forum.
output optional The response output format. Accepts JSON and XML.

Request Syntax

https://services.onesite.com/rest/ugcForum?action=editForum&forum_id=233613&forum_name=My New Name&devkey=[devkey]

JSON Response