

The SvcVideoUpload object
Method Description
upload Handles the uploading of videos. The "file" method requires the photo to be passed via POST with multipart/form-data.


The UgcPhoto object
Method Description
addGallery Creates a photo gallery on the given blog.
deletePhoto Deletes a photo.
getGalleries Gets all galleries for a site.
getPhotoInfo Gets information about a particular photo.
getPhotos Gets all of the photos for a user id or a url.
incrementViews Increments the view count for a photo.
setProfilePhoto Sets the profile picture for a given user or group.
updatePhotoCaption Updates the caption for a given photoID.
updatePhotoStatus Updates the status of a photo.
uploadPhoto Handles the uploading of photos. The "file" method requires the photo to be passed via POST with multipart/form-data.


The UgcVideo object
Method Description
delete Deletes a video.
getUserVideos Retrieve array of videos for a user with optional parameters: nodeID, blogID, tierID. User-auth sets userID automatically and devkey requires userID parameter.
getVideoDetails Gets the details for a given video.
getVideos Retrieve array of videos for the given parameter(s)
importYouTubeVideo Imports a YouTube video into the ONEsite video system and associates it with the user.
incrementViews Increments the view count for a video.
updateVideoStatus Updates the status of a video.
updateVideoTitle Updates the Video Title