

The UgcBroadcast object
Method Description
send Sends a broadcast from a user to users. If a group id is passed in, the broadcast goes to all memebers of the group. If no group id is provided, the broadcast goes to all of the user's friends.
send_network_broadcast Sends a broadcast to the whole network.


The UgcMessage object
Method Description
delete Deletes a message.
deleteFolder Delete a user's folder
editFolder Edit a folder's name and description
getFolders Get the list of a user's folders
getMessage Fetches all the information associated with a specific message(s).
getMessagesInFolder Get messages in folder.
getNetworkMessages Fetches all messages sent in a given timeframe.
getOrCreateFolder Get or create a folder if one does not exist
markRead Marks a message as read.
moveMessage Move a message to a new folder
newMsgCount Returns the number of new messages that one or more users have.
send Sends a message from a user to other users.
updateMessageStatus Update's a message's status.
userNotificationSummary Returns user notification summary.