

The UgcForum object
Method Description
addModerators Adds a moderator for a forum.
associateWithBlog Associates a forum with a given blog ID.
blogCanAccess Determines if a blog ID has access to a particular forum/category ID.
createForum Creates a new forum.
deleteForum Deletes a forum (but not its contents).
deleteForumContent Deletes all threads and posts within a forum.
deleteModerators Removes a moderator from a forum.
editForum Edits the information for particular forum.
getBoardList Gets a hierarchical list of categories and forums for a site.
getForumInfo Gets info about a particular forum.
getModerators Gets the user IDs of a forum's moderators.
getSignature Gets a user's forum signature contents.
getThreads Gets threads for a particular forum.
moveForum Moves a forum to the desired position within the list of forums.
updateSignature Updates a user's forum signature contents.


The UgcForumCategory object
Method Description
createCategory Creates a new message board category.
editCategory Edits the information for a particular message board category.
getBlogCategories Gets the categories and forums for a particular site.
getCategoryInfo Gets info about a particular message board category.
getForums Gets the forums for a particular message board category.
moveCategory Moves a category to the desired position within the list of categories.


The UgcForumPost object
Method Description
censorUserPost Censors a forum post made by a particular user.
createPost Creates a new forum post.
deletePost Attempt to delete a forum post.
editPost Edits a forum post.
getNetworkPosts Gets the most recent posts across the network or a site.
getPostInfo Gets info about a particular forum post.
previewPost Generates a parsed preview of a new post's content.
publishPost Publishes an inactive or draft forum post.


The UgcForumThread object
Method Description
createThread Creates a new forum thread.
deleteThread Deletes a thread and all of its posts and user subscriptions records.
editThread Edits a forum thread.
getNetworkThreads Gets threads from across the entire network or site.
getPosts Gets posts that belong to a particular forum thread.
getThreadInfo Gets info about a particular forum thread.
getThreadSubscriptions Gets users that are subscribed to the thread.
getUserThreadSubscriptions Gets threads a user is subscribed to.
incrementThreadViews Increments the total number of views for a particular thread.
lockThread Locks a thread.
subscribeToThread Subscribes a user to a thread.
unsubscribeFromThread Unsubscribes a user from a thread.