

The UgcDiscussion object
Method Description
activateComment Activates a pending comment.
addComment Adds a comment to a discussion.
deleteComment Deletes a comment from a discussion.
deleteDiscussion Delete the requested discussion and all of its comments.
disableDiscussion Disable the requested discussion. Disables both read and write, but does not permanently delete discussion and it's comments.
editComment Edits a comment.
enableDiscussion Enable the requested discussion. Allows for both read and write access. Reverses a previous call to suspendDiscussion or disableDiscussion.
getCommentInfo Gets information about a particular comment.
getComments Retrieves comments from a discussion.
getDiscussionInfo Get information about a discussion topic.
getDiscussions Retrieve a list of discussions.
getNetworkComments Retrieve a list of comments for the network.
rateComment Rate a comment.
suspendDiscussion Suspend the requested discussion. Allows for read-only access.
userRatings Get all ratings made by a user.